John Commin [43] was for many years Chairman of the Rottingdean Preservation Society and on his headstone, you can see a depiction of the Windmill he helped to restore.

John Commin died in 2003 and received the following tribute in the Argus:

John Commin committed his life to the village after retiring from Barings Bank in London. He was a partner of the famous merchant bank before the Nick Leeson overseas trading scandal. Mr Commin, who was also a former head of governors of St Mary's Hall School, Brighton, always insisted he would have questioned the rogue trader's activities.

As chairman of the village preservation society, Mr Commin helped to save the grounds of Rudyard Kipling's home, The Elms [view], from being developed. He also oversaw the restoration of the village's famous windmill and the smooth running of The Grange [view] and Art Gallery.

Mr Commin was the prime mover in setting up Rottingdean Parish Council - the only such authority in the Brighton and Hove area - and in the first elections in 1996 he easily topped the poll to become its first chairman.

Brighton and Hove councillor for Rottingdean Lynda Hyde said: "He was an absolute gentleman and he will be remembered for his work in the community and his smiling face."

The windmill, before restoration.